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Event Archive
TAPSA: Naxalbari, Nemu Singha and the Indo-Nepal borderlands: a cross-border life-history
Abhishek Bhattacharyya, PhD Candidate in Anthropology and South Asian Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago This essay focuses on the memories of former company children who have now become adults. I argue that taking my interlocutors’ memories as...
In Concert and Conversation with Arivu
Arivu is a rapper, singer, lyricist, thinker, and social justice activist from Tamil Nadu. His career was sparked by his involvement with Casteless Collective, a band which combines a range of musical genres like Gaana, Oppari, rap, jazz, and rock to deliver a...
South Asia Seminar: The never-ending test: a Jain tradition of narrative adaptation
Heleen De Jonckheere, Postdoctoral Fellow, South Asian Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago Repetition, reconfiguration and recreation form important characteristics of Indian literary traditions. In this talk, based on my recent Ph.D....
TAPSA: In Search of Anti-Discipline: Rethinking Law and Prostitution in Colonial India
Zoya Sameen, PhD Candidate in History, The University of Chicago Historians of modern South Asia have substantively engaged with colonial regulatory approaches to governing prostitution. Many insightful studies have understood laws that criminalized a wide array of...
Governing the Urban in China and India: Land Grabs, Slum Clearance, and the War on Air Pollution
East Asia by the Book! CEAS Author Talks ft. Xuefei Ren Urbanization is rapidly overtaking China and India, the two most populous countries in the world. One-sixth of humanity now lives in either a Chinese or Indian city. This transformation has unleashed enormous...
Brāhmī Script Workshop
This workshop, conducted by Andrew Ollett and Julie Hanlon, is intended to introduce the Brāhmī script to those who have no prior experience with it. We will have three series of interactive sessions offering a combination of lecture, translation of sample...
TAPSA: Nightingales and Falcons: Iqbal’s Ghazals Between Persian and Urdu
Francesca Chubb-Confer, PhD (UChicago Divinity School) The poetry of the Islamic reformer, philosopher, and poet Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938), commonly remembered as the spiritual originator of Pakistan and of the 20th century's finest Urdu poets, incorporates a...
South Asia Seminar: Durba Mitra
South Asia Seminar: Durba Mitra, Assistant Professor of Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Harvard University Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will...
Girls Burn Brighter: a Reading and Discussion with Author Shobha Rao
Join us for a reading and Q and A session with young adult novelist Shobha Rao, author of Girls Burn Brighter. Rao, who was born in Kanpur to a family from the weaver caste of the Andhra town, Mangalagiri, has said, "I grew up observing the lives of women around...
TAPSA: The Federal Turn: Political and Legal Thought in Interwar India
Sarath Pillai, doctoral candidate of Department of History This paper examines the shift in Indian political and legal thought from unitary state system (singular sovereignty) to federal state system (shared sovereignty) in the late 1920s. It argues that this shift...