
Poetry Roundtable Main Poster

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Roundtable on Sri Lankan Poetry

May 7, 2021 - 12pm

Virtual Event

Panelists: Vidyan Ravinthiran (Harvard University), Seni Seneviratne (Writer and Poet), Shash Trevett (Poet and Translator), Sascha Ebeling (University of Chicago), Srikanth Reddy (University of Chicago). 

This roundtable, featuring the editors of the first ever anthology of post-independence Sri Lankan poetry, asks how can we attend justly to such creativeness? If the aesthetic dimension of postcolonial literatures is often overlooked (with poetry especially neglected, because of its formal richness) we must think this through at this moment of Sri Lankan poetry’s emergence onto the world stage.  

Zoom link:

Passcode: anthology

Sri Lankan Poetry Roundtable

Co-sponsored by the Poetry & Poetics Workshop, the Comparative Literature Department, and Committee on Southern Asian Studies.