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Event Archive
Gandhi in Ahmedabad, Gandhi in the World
Patrick French, Dean, School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad University The formation of Mohandas Gandhi’s adult political ideas took place outside India, first in the United Kingdom, but primarily in the unusual structural social formation of South Africa. His...
Doing Research during the Pandemic, III: More Resources for South Asian Studies
Laura Ring, Librarian for Southern Asia & Anthropology, University of Chicago This workshop will provide an overview of the Library tools and resources available for online/remote research in South Asian studies, followed by Q & A with the South Asia...
South Asia Seminar: A Life in Postcolonial Theory: Homi K. Bhabha interviewed by Dipesh Chakrabarty
Homi K. Bhabha, Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of the Humanities, Harvard University Please join us for the first South Asia Seminar of the quarter with a conversation between Homi K. Bhabha, Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of the Humanities, Harvard University, and...
TAPSA: Rafadi Hakim, Agama: Religion, Social Difference, and Relationality in Eastern Indonesia
Rafadi Hakim, PhD Candidate in Anthropology, The University of Chicago Contemporary ethnographic work in Indonesia has extensively analyzed the development of modernist religiosity as a form of national belonging. Beyond civic institutions that authorize...
Spectacles of Decline: A Symposium on the Waning British Empire
The symposium will address the aesthetics of waning empire during what is popularly known as Britain’s “Imperial Century” (1815-1914), marked by accelerating territorial and bureaucratic expansion. This period is marked from its outset by events that precipitated...
18th Annual South Asia Graduate Student Conference: “Between Comparison and Context: Global and Local Movements in South Asia”
March 4, 2021 at 8:30am to March 6, 2021 at 1:30pm Organizing Committee: Supurna Dasgupta, South Asian Languages and Civilizations Krithika Ashok, University of Chicago Law School, Sanjukta Poddar, South Asian Languages and Civilizations, Faculty Advisor: Prof....
TAPSA: The Normless City: Moral Anxiety and the Question of Norms in Early Nineteenth Century Kolkata
Thomas Newbold, PhD Candidate in South Asian Languages and Civilizations and History, The University of Chicago In 1822 the Sanskrit satirical play Hāsyārṇava (Ocean of Laughter) was first printed at Calcutta, accompanied by a Bengali verse translation. In the...
In Conversation with Snigdha Poonam: How India is Failing its Youth
Introduction by Anjali Adukia, Assistant Professor, Harris School of Public Policy and moderated by Jesse Orr, masters student at the Harris School of Public Policy Zoom links will be emailed to the listserv. Please emailed if you would like to...
The Cinema of Govindan Aravindan
In this lecture presentation Amarnath Praful will introduce the cinematic oeuvre of the Malayali filmmaker Govindan Aravindan (1935 -1991) who lived and worked in Kerala, India. G. Aravindan was considered one of the most influential filmmakers in India and was a...
South Asia Seminar: Collecting and Displaying Jain Art at the Victoria and Albert Museum
Nick Barnard, Curator, South and Southeast Asia Collections, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK The Jain religion has produced a distinctive art tradition of great antiquity and cultural significance. Over two centuries the Victoria and Albert Museum in London...