Sunit Singh is a historian of the British Empire in India. The aim of his first book project, a work in progress titled, Echoes of Freedom: India, the Colonial Dilemma, and the Socialist International, is to chart different historical conceptions of a future for India beyond British rule by mapping the depth of the conversation between Indian radicals and international socialists in the era before the First World War, that is, in the era before the Indian National Congress rose to eminence and the Wilsonian world-system of nations took hold. While his first project has centered on exploring alternative ideas about the end of colonial rule, his next project, which he has already started to research, will examine the historical origins of British rule in India. Together with Steve Pincus, he is presently spearheading an effort to hold a conference at the Delhi Center on the various different East India companies that were active on the subcontinent between the fall of the Mughal Empire and the rise of the British Raj. A veteran teacher in the College, he was awarded the 2020 Glenn and Claire Swogger Award for Exemplary Classroom Teaching.
Sunit Singh