Sascha Ebeling was trained in South Asian Studies, Romance Languages and Literatures, and General Linguistics at the University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln), Germany, and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London. Before joining the University of Chicago in 2005, he taught Tamil literature and South Asian Studies at the University of Cologne and also worked for the Göttingen Academy of Sciences as a Tamil manuscriptologist in the project “Union Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in German Collections” (Katalogisierung der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, KOHD). Professor Ebeling studies both modern and premodern South Asian and Southeast Asian literary traditions and cultural history, and some of the less commonly studied European literatures. He is particularly interested in entangled histories of literary practices in Europe and Asia during the nineteenth and early twentieth century, inclduing the emergence of the novel in Asia and the global history of modernist poetry.
Sascha Ebeling