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Faculty Highlight: Wendy Doniger

Faculty Highlight: Wendy Doniger

Q: Congratulations on the publication of four new books in the last few years. Can you briefly summarize each?  Winged...

Faculty Highlight: C.M. Naim

Faculty Highlight: C.M. Naim

Q: Congratulations on your new book Urdu Crime Fiction, 1890—1950: An Informal History. Can you provide a brief...

Faculty Highlight: C.M. Naim

Faculty Highlight: C.M. Naim

Shende: Congratulations on your new book A Most Noble Life: The Biography of Ashrafunnisa Begum (1840-1903). Could you...

Faculty Highlight: Laura Ring

Faculty Highlight: Laura Ring

Doan: Congratulations on your newly published poetry/hybrid chapbook, Field Notes Recovered from the Expedition to...