Keynote Speakers:
Rosalind O’Hanlon (University of Oxford)
Akshaya Mukul (Independent researcher and journalist)
This conference aims to examine traditions in premodern and modern South Asia and seeks to interrogate formations of knowledge about traditions through processes of transmission and canonization. A focus on canon formation – literary, religious, philosophical, and political – reveals underlying modes of thinking that inform the consolidation of traditions, and allows for a deconstruction of what comes to be understood as normative knowledge. The conference will bring together graduate students who are interested in the different life-stages of traditions and canons, and in the work of agents who participate in shaping, carrying, maintaining, and expanding them. Thus, it will participate in ongoing scholarship on the construction of South Asian traditions, identities, and communities.
Organizing Committee: Ayelet Kotler, South Asian Languages and Civilizations Akshara Ravishankar, South Asian Languages and Civilizations Itamar Ramot, South Asian Languages and Civilizations Faculty Advisor: Anand Venkatkrishnan
The full schedule can be found here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020 – 10:00am to Friday, March 6, 2020 – 6:00pm
Swift Common Room
SAGSC: South Asia Graduate Student Conference